Imagine waking up on a cold winter morning and feeling a blast of warm air as soon as you step out of bed. Now that’s the sign of a high-performing furnace! Getting a new furnace can make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. The process does take some research and planning, but it’s worth it for years of cozy warmth and potential energy savings.  

In this article, we’ll walk through the key steps to take when you decide to purchase a new furnace. You’ll learn how to find reputable companies, evaluate your home, choose an efficient model, schedule the installation, and maintain your system properly. We’ll even provide some tips to help you enjoy the new comfort as soon as your furnace is up and running.   

Research Reputable Companies

Man Doing Repairs on a Heater

One of the first things you’ll want to do when getting a new furnace is research reputable HVAC companies in your area to install it. This important step will help ensure you find a qualified professional you can trust for the job.  

When researching companies, look at online reviews and ask friends, neighbors, or coworkers for referrals. Only consider HVAC professionals with consistently positive feedback and a solid reputation. Verify that any company you consider is licensed, bonded, and insured. This protects you in case anything goes wrong.  

The right HVAC company will have certified technicians, stand behind their work, offer fair pricing, and make you feel comfortable. Taking the time upfront to research reputable companies will give you peace of mind knowing your new furnace is in qualified hands.   

Provincial Smart Home Services can help set up your new furnace installation with an accredited technician. We will ensure that the installation process goes as smoothly as possible and that you are totally satisfied with your new unit.

Have Your Home Evaluated

When getting a new furnace, one of the first things you’ll want to do is have your home evaluated to determine the right size and specifications for your new heating unit. An HVAC professional can come to your home and assess a few key factors:  

Size of Furnace

The technician will measure your home’s square footage and determine the appropriate BTU output needed for your furnace. They’ll factor in things like ceiling height, insulation, number of floors, and windows. You don’t want a furnace that’s too small and can’t keep up, or too big and is overworking. 

Venting Requirements

The HVAC pro will also check your existing or needed venting, like whether you need a chimney, direct vent, or side venting. Proper venting is crucial for removing fumes and bringing in combustion air. This keeps your home safe and your furnace working efficiently. 

Having an evaluation beforehand takes the guesswork out of choosing the right replacement. The technician can give you a recommended furnace size and type tailored to your home’s needs. This helps ensure your new furnace will heat comfortably and efficiently.  

Choose An Efficient Model

When selecting a new furnace, one of the most important factors to consider is energy efficiency. An efficient furnace will save you money on energy bills while keeping your home comfortably heated.  

Living Room with a Furnace

Focus on the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating when comparing models. This measures how much heat is delivered compared to the amount of fuel consumed. Look for a furnace with an AFUE of 90% or higher for the best efficiency.  

Also consider a variable speed or modulating furnace. These can regulate heat output and fan speeds, providing a more consistent temperature while using less energy during light heating demands.  

Finally, understand your fuel type options. Natural gas furnaces tend to be less expensive to operate than electric models. However, availability depends on your location. Propane can also be used in some furnaces if natural gas is unavailable.  

Choosing an energy efficient furnace with the right features and fuel type will provide long-term savings on heating costs for your home. Focus on AFUE ratings and advanced technologies to get the most value from your new system.  

Schedule The Installation

Once you’ve selected the right furnace for your home, it’s time to schedule the installation. Be sure to allow 1-2 full days for the installation process. Furnace installations typically take 6-12 hours depending on the complexity of your system. You’ll want to make sure someone is home during the installation to give access to the technician.  

Before the installation, turn off power to your old furnace at the breaker. The technician will disconnect your old furnace and install the new one in its place. Make sure the area around the furnace is clear and accessible. The technician may need to move furniture or storage items to complete the installation.  

Schedule the installation at least 1-2 weeks in advance if possible. Reputable companies often book up quickly, especially during peak heating and cooling seasons. Once you schedule your installation, add it to your calendar and make any necessary arrangements to be home that day. A bit of planning ahead goes a long way towards ensuring your furnace installation goes smoothly.  

Change Filters

When your new furnace is installed, one of the first things you’ll want to do is change the filter. The filter helps remove dust, allergens, and debris from the air in your home.  

Man Working on a New Furnace

Make sure you replace the old filter with one that is the correct size to fit your furnace. The installer should let you know what size you need. Look for filters with a MERV rating of 8-12. MERV stands for “minimum efficiency reporting value” and filters with higher ratings can capture smaller particles.  

Follow the manufacturer’s directions for how to remove the old filter and insert a new one. Make sure it fits snugly in the slot. You’ll need to check and change the filter regularly after that, about once every 1-3 months depending on use. Proper filter maintenance is important for furnace performance and indoor air quality.  

Have A Professional Set-Up Your New Furnace

Once your new furnace is installed, it’s important to have a professional HVAC technician complete the set-up and adjust the settings for optimal performance. Though you may be eager to start enjoying the comfort of your new system, resist the temptation to turn it on yourself initially. There are some key tasks the technician will complete during start-up:  

Tune and Adjust the Furnace: The technician will make fine adjustments to ensure your furnace is calibrated for your home’s size, insulation, and airflow. This tuning can have an impact on efficiency and comfort.

Test for Carbon Monoxide Leaks: Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can be deadly. The technician will use a detector to check for any leaks that could be caused during installation. Your safety is the top priority.

Inspect All Components: A thorough inspection will be conducted off all furnace components like the heat exchanger, burner assembly, blower motor, venting, gas lines, and condensate drain. The technician will verify proper installation and functioning.

Having an HVAC professional set-up your furnace is a small investment that can pay off in the long run through optimized performance, safety, and longevity of your new system. While it may take a little longer to start enjoying the cozy heat on that first morning, the peace of mind is worth the short wait.  

Enjoy The Comfort Of A New Furnace

Once your new furnace is installed and running smoothly, it’s time to enjoy the improvements! After dealing with an old, inefficient furnace, you’ll immediately notice the difference with your new model.  

Woman Sitting Near a Fireplace

The temperature throughout your home will be more consistent, without any cold or hot spots. The furnace can better circulate the heated air and reach every corner of your house. You’ll be able to set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature and know the entire home will feel cozy and warm.  

You’ll also appreciate how quietly your new furnace operates. Old furnaces often made loud noises and rumbles that could disrupt your household. Your new furnace should run very quietly, allowing for a peaceful environment. Some high-efficiency models are designed to operate at low decibel levels, so the furnace noise is barely noticeable.  

With better airflow and a quieter motor, you may find you sleep more soundly at night! No more creaks and rumbles waking you up. Just consistent, even heat and a whisper-quiet furnace allowing you to rest peacefully.  

Overall, the comfort levels in your home will be drastically elevated with the new furnace. It’s an investment that will pay off every day through greater convenience, reliability, and satisfaction. Take the time to relax and enjoy the improvements as you cozy up next to the furnace’s warmth!  

Maintain Properly

Keeping your new furnace properly maintained is crucial for efficiency and longevity. Here are some tips:  

  • Change the filter every 3 months. Clogged filters make your system work harder and lowers efficiency. Mark your calendar and set reminders.  
  • Schedule an annual tune-up by a professional. They’ll clean components, check for leaks, test controls, and make any needed adjustments. This keeps things running smoothly.  
  • Don’t delay repairs. Small issues can turn into big problems if left unchecked. If anything seems off, contact a pro right away. Catching it early often means a quick inexpensive fix.  

Proper maintenance saves you money over the long run. Following this simple routine gives your furnace the best chance of providing comfortable heat for many years to come.  

Make Sure Your New Furnace Is Set Up To Last

Getting a new furnace can be an exciting upgrade for your home’s HVAC system. By researching companies, having your home evaluated, choosing an efficient model, scheduling a professional installation, changing filters, and maintaining the system properly, you’ll be set up for years of cozy warmth and energy savings.  

With some periodic maintenance like annual tune-ups, your new furnace will provide comfortable heating and improved indoor air quality for many years to come. Taking the time to research and invest in a quality system will pay off all winter long when you feel that blast of warm air. For more information on high-efficiency furnaces, contact one of Provincial Smart Home Services’ expert energy advisors today! 

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