Your furnace is important for keeping your home warm, especially in winter when it gets colder. Your furnace works hard in winter to keep your home warm and make sure you and your family are comfortable. However, like any mechanical system, furnaces can experience issues that require furnace repair or replacement. 

Replacing your furnace with a more efficient system can save you money on your next utility bill. In this blog, we will go over everything that you need to know about furnace repair. We will also help you decide if it is time to replace your furnace.  

Common Furnace Problems

A few common issues come up with almost every furnace. If you know what to look out for, you can catch the signs of deterioration earlier and take the appropriate action. Here are the most common furnace problems that could be a sign that you need furnace repair: 

Lack of Heat: One of the most obvious signs of a furnace issue is a lack of heat. A malfunctioning thermostat, a faulty pilot light, or issues with the ignition system could cause this.

Strange Noises: Unusual sounds emanating from your furnace, such as banging, squealing, or rattling, can indicate underlying problems. These sounds may be related to issues with the blower motor, burner, or other components.

Frequent Cycling: If your furnace seems to turn on and off more frequently than usual, it may be a sign of a malfunctioning thermostat, a clogged filter, or an improperly sized furnace.

Uneven Heating: Rooms that are consistently too hot or too cold could indicate problems with the distribution of heated air. This might be due to issues with the ductwork, the blower motor, or the thermostat.

Increased Energy Bills: A sudden spike in your energy bills without a corresponding change in usage could suggest that your furnace is not operating efficiently. This may be caused by a dirty filter, a malfunctioning thermostat, or other issues.

How Long Do Furnaces Last?


A furnace that receives annual or bi-annual maintenance can last fifteen to twenty years. Frequent inspection and maintenance can extend the lifespan of a furnace by five to ten years. Climate has a major impact on how long your furnace lasts. If you live in an area with a warmer climate, your furnace will not need to work as hard and will likely last longer than in areas with colder climates.   

Preventive Measures

Regular Maintenance is key to ensure that your furnace lasts for a long time and is effective at keeping you and your family warm. You should schedule annual maintenance for your furnace to ensure that it operates at peak efficiency. This includes cleaning or replacing the air filter, checking the thermostat, and inspecting all components for wear and tear. 

You should try and keep furnace vents clear. Check your furnace vents frequently and ensure that air vents are not obstructed by furniture or clogged with any other items. Proper airflow is crucial for the efficient operation of your furnace. 

Another important part of your furnace that you should pay special attention to is the air filters. A clogged or dirty air filter can restrict airflow and force your furnace to work harder. Check the filter regularly and replace it as needed, usually every 1-3 months.  

If you are not willing or able to invest in a new furnace, you should at least consider getting a programmable thermostat for your current unit. Invest in a programmable thermostat to optimize heating efficiency. This allows you to set different temperatures for different times of the day, ensuring that your furnace doesn’t have to work harder than necessary.  

The Importance Of Professional Assistance In Furnace Repair

Many furnace issues can be addressed through basic troubleshooting and preventive measures. However, certain issues require the expertise of a professional technician. Here are a few reasons why seeking professional help is crucial when considering furnace repair: 

Safety: Furnaces involve complex systems and potential safety hazards, such as gas leaks. Professional technicians are trained to identify and address these issues, ensuring the safety of your home and family.

Diagnosis and Repair: Professional technicians have the experience and tools to accurately diagnose furnace problems and implement effective repairs. This can save you time and money in the long run.

Longevity of Your Furnace: Regular professional maintenance can extend the lifespan of your furnace, preventing major breakdowns and costly replacements.

Energy Efficient Furnaces

Two high efficiency furnaces

Efficiency standards for furnaces are constantly evolving. Furnaces that were built 10 or even 20 years ago might still be functional; however, they could also be much less efficient than modern furnaces. A major factor to consider when deciding whether to replace your current furnace or not, is if you want to upgrade to a more energy efficient unit. 

Depending upon its age and condition, replacing your old heating equipment with a new, high efficiency furnace might make a lot of sense. Heating your home is the single largest expense attached to your utility bill, so upgrading to a high efficiency furnace will be extremely helpful in reducing your monthly utility costs. 

Aside from helping reduce your utility costs, using a high efficiency furnace is a great way to make your home more environmentally friendly and help move towards living a more sustainable lifestyle. There is a nation-wide initiative called the Canada Greener Homes Grant that provides rebates for people who install high-efficient furnaces, heat pumps and other eco-friendly appliances in their homes. 

Should I Replace My Furnace?

There are several factors to consider when deciding to replace your furnace. Keeping a close eye on your utility bills could be a good indicator of whether it is time to replace your furnace. A noticeable increase in your energy bills, despite regular maintenance and usage patterns, could be a sign that your furnace is no longer operating efficiently. 

Older furnaces tend to lose efficiency over time, leading to higher energy consumption and increased costs. Investing in a newer, more energy-efficient model can lead to long-term savings on your heating bills. 

If you find yourself calling the technician for repairs more frequently, it might be more cost-effective to invest in a new furnace. As furnaces age, the likelihood of component failures increases, and the cost of repairs can quickly add up. Consider the 50% rule: if the cost of repairs exceeds 50% of the value of a new furnace, it’s time to replace. 

Here are a few additional factors that could indicate that you need to replace your furnace: 

Uneven Heating: Uneven heating throughout your home can be a sign that your furnace is struggling to distribute heat effectively. This could be due to issues with the blower motor, ductwork, or other components. This could indicate a major problem with your unit and might and it may be time to explore the benefits of a new system.

Strange Noises: Unusual sounds such as banging, squealing, or rumbling coming from your furnace can indicate underlying issues. While some problems can be addressed with repairs, persistent or severe noises may signal the need for a replacement. Newer furnaces are designed to operate more quietly and efficiently.

Visible Signs of Wear and Tear: Inspect your furnace for visible signs of wear and tear, rust, or cracks. If you notice corrosion or structural damage, it may compromise the integrity of the furnace and its ability to operate safely. Safety should always be a top priority, and a damaged furnace may pose a risk of carbon monoxide leaks.

Making An Informed Decision About Furnace Repair And Replacement

Knowing when to replace your furnace requires a combination of careful observation, regular maintenance, and an understanding of its lifespan. If your furnace exhibits multiple signs of aging and inefficiency, investing in a new, energy-efficient model can bring you comfort, cost savings, and peace of mind. Don’t wait until the dead of winter to make this important decision—plan ahead, consult with professionals, and make the transition to a more reliable heating system that will keep you warm for years to come.

At Provincial Smart Home Services, we are excited to help you takes steps to make your home more environmentally friendly. Call one of our expert energy advisors about our high-efficiency furnaces and make the switch today.

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